This quick start guide shows how to quickly add a Radial Layout to your scene and add add some nodes to it.

You can find a tutorial about basic operations in the Example_BasicBuilding scene inside the Examples folder.

  1. Place a prefab_RadialLayout gameobject in your scene, this can be done either:
    • by dragging the prefab found in the Prefabs folder
    • by using the GameObject context menu under UI->Radial Layout

    IMPORTANT: the radial layout object must be contained inside a Canvas object!

  2. Use the green gizmo handle in scene view to change layout radius and rotation.
    • Gizmos can be disabled in the Editor Settings section in the layout Inspector
  3. Select the prefab_RadialLayout object in the scene, and click the ADD NODE button in the Inspector.
    • You'll notice that the node is empty (You will see just a blue circle if gizmos are enabled). If you want to instatiate a prefab Node, simply drag one of the prefabs found in the Prefabs\Nodes folder into the Node Prefab field in the Layout inspector.
    • You can create your own Node prefabs and instantiate them automatically by clicking the ADD NODE button