• 1.2.1 - Minor update.
    • Added keyboard support for editor console.
      Editor text console now responds to Enter and Up/Down arrow keys.
  • 1.2.0 - New features & fixes.
    • Added new draggable GUI.
      A new draggable UI has been added. You can now add a custom window that can be dragged around the screen instead of using the standard fixed GUI.
    • Added new option for GUI popup dialog placement.
      Now you can choose to display the GUI popup dialog (errors and output) centered relative to the GUI or the screen.
    • Added new option for closing GUI after execution.
      Now you can choose to close the GUI completely after pressing the execute button.
    • Bugfixes
      • GUI will no longer blocks raycasts when not visible.
      • Fixed mouse scrolling inside the parameter picker window.
  • 1.1.1 - Minor fixes.
    • Default timestamp is now formatted using the 24h format.
  • 1.1.0 - Major Update - New features & fixes
    • Added support for the new Unity Input System package.
      Now the console supports the new Unity input system. Legacy input system can still be used.
    • Added setup wizard.
      A new wizard dialog to setup the package immediately with just one click.
    • Added predefined key bindings.
      For a quicker and easier setup, now you can opt to use predetermined default keys instead of setting key bindings in the Input Manager.
    • Added command generation via attribute.
      Now you can generate commands directly from code by adding the new [Command] attribute over your methods.
    • Added an option for writing the toggle character inside the console.
      Now you can use the toggle key as a normal input key when writing inside the text based console.
    • Added expected parameter type on error messages.
      Now the 'Invalid parameter value' error message will print the expected parameter type.
    • Added option to show icons in the console.
      Now you can enable customized colored icons (based on the log level) next to the log lines in the console.
    • Added timestamp option.
      Now you timestamps can be added to each log line and you can choose to show them or not in the output of the console.
    • Added savelog command.
      A new command has been added to the core namespace to save logs to files.
    • Added "close after execution" option for GUI console.
      Now you can make command boxes (GUI Console) collapse automatically after pressing the execute button.
    • Added error dialog for the GUI console.
      Now error logs will be shown on a dedicated dialog when executing commands from the GUI console.
    • Added a new LogLevel: GUI Dialog.
      Now you can popup message dialogs when executing commands from the GUI console. This new log level will be ignored by the text based console.
    • Added customization option to modify the scrollbar width.
      Scrollbars width can now be adjusted in the customization skin scriptable.
    • Bugfixes
      • Fixed a bug that caused background rect in the editor console to be smaller than the actual window size.
      • Fixed a command generation error if the help text contained the '"' character.
      • Now the caret will reposition correctly at the end of the prompt when scrolling history up.
      • Fixed a bug that caused toggle character to be inserted inside the prompt when "force prompt focus" option was enabled.
  • 1.0.1 - Minor fixes.
  • 1.0.0 - Initial Release.